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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Breast Augmentation without scars- is it possible?

Is it possible to have a breast augmentation without any scars on the breasts?

The answer is "Yes".

The technique called "Scarless" Breast Augmentation where breast implants are placed by using an endoscope through the armpit.  This technique is preferable over the incisions around the nipples or under the breasts as there are no visible scars on the breasts themselves.  With the “scarless” breast augmentation the incision is placed in a crease in the armpit.  In most cases the scars are hardly visible. 

To learn more about the “scarless” breast augmentation contact us at 631-476-7300 or visit us at:  www.diehlplasticsurgery.com



Sunday, October 28, 2012

What are the most common plastic surgical procedures?

Statistics show that cosmetic surgeries are on the rise;  the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that there were 13.8 million cosmetic procedures performed in the United States in 2011, an increase of 5% over 2010.

Surgical procedures:

Breast augmentation has been the top cosmetic surgical procedure since 2006, at 307 thousand (up 4%).
Rhinoplasty is number two, at 244 thousand.
Liposuction was up 1% at 205 thousand.
Eyelid lift - 196 thousand.
Facelift - 116 thousand.
Non-surgical procedures (up 6%):
Botox is still the most common non-surgical procedure, 5.7 million procedures, up 5%.
Then fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm, 1.9 million.
Chemical peels – 1.1 million
Laser hair removal and microdermabrasion are 4th and 5th.

The top 5 in men:

Eyelid lift
Male breast reduction (gynecomastia surgery)

Top 5 in women: 
Breast augmentation
Eyelid lift
Tummy tuck
There seems to be a new trend though that might be of interest:
The biggest increase in plastic surgery is now chin augmentation, up 71% over last year.
Lip augmentation is also up significantly, 49%.
Buttock implants and/or lift up 40%.

For more information go to: www.diehlplasticsurgery.com

Thursday, October 25, 2012

What is the recovery for Breast Augmentation?

Most of my patients want to know about their recovery.

While it is nice to try get back to your normal activities as soon as possible, it is also nice to treat yourself to a few days off to recover more comfortably.  This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and you should not necessarily rush your recovery process.

Breast Augmentation is a safe procedure with a fairly simple recovery.  Dr. Diehl’s patients go home approximately one hour after surgery, and can go back to their simple routine later that night.  There is some discomfort after breast augmentation surgery, and patients go home with pain medicine.  Dr. Diehl’s patients usually rest at home for the weekend and are back to work Monday morning.  You can expect to resume mild exercise in 10 days.    

Here is an approximate timeline of the Breast Augmentation recovery process:

Day of surgery:  Rest is recommended with an hourly walk around the house to keep the circulation moving.

Day after surgery:  Your breasts feel much better, and you can begin to get back to normal routines around the house.   
First week:  There is swelling and soreness in your breasts, so movements of the upper body should be limited.  If your job does not require lifting, then you can be back at work.

Week two:  The swelling is still present but should begin to diminish.  The tightness of the swelling has gone down and your breasts feel much more natural. 
Week three:  The shape of your breasts should look more natural and are “bikini ready”.  Light running may resume.  Lower body and core gym activities may resume.

Week four:  You breast implants have settled in.  Regular gym activities may resume.
For more information visit: http://www.diehlplasticsurgery.com



Thursday, October 4, 2012

“Board Certified in Plastic Surgery” vs. “Board Certified in Cosmetic Surgery”, what is the difference?

The term “Board Certification” is confusing, and not all board certifications are the same but if you are choosing a plastic surgeon, knowing which Board Certification he or she has is very important.

Cosmetic surgery has become so popular that many non-plastic surgeons are performing cosmetic surgery, such as obstetricians, dermatologists, general surgeons and dentists with maxillofacial backgrounds.   To be able to be considered “Board Certified”, these physicians created the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery (ABCS) in 1982.  This board certification has less training requirements than the American Board of Plastic Surgeons.

Plastic surgeons are boarded by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS).  This means that they have undergone the most extensive training and have proven themselves after two additional years in practice by taking a comprehensive written and oral examination.  The ABPS was established in 1931 and has the largest membership of over 7,000.

The American Board of Plastic Surgeons requires at least two years of plastic surgical training after general surgery training, or three years of plastic surgical training after ENT training.  Then there are two additional years of practice which is analyzed for proof of ongoing expertise in plastic surgery.

Cosmetic surgeons (who are not plastic surgeons) are NOT recognized by the ABMS, and do not have the same training requirements..  If a surgeon uses the term "cosmetic surgeon" or "aesthetic surgeon", they are likely not a plastic surgeon.

The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery requires only one year of cosmetic fellowship.  It requires no prerequisite training in plastic surgery.  This fellowship is undertaken without the benefit of the two to three years of plastic surgical training.  Dermatologists, General Surgeons, Obsteticians, Ophthalmologists, ENT, and Dentists with maxillofacial training may be boarded in cosmetic surgery within one year of their training.  There is also a provision for this board certification without the cosmetic fellowship at all, if the surgeon submits enough cosmetic surgical cases to pass the exams.
To verify a physician's board status, contact the American Board of Plastic Surgery at (215) 587-9322. You may also contact the American Board of Medical Specialties at (800) 776-2378 or www.abms.com.

Or, just look for the symbol shown above;  this symbol indicates Board Certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Dr.Gregory Diehl is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon specializing in Plastic Surgery, located in Port Jefferson Station, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York.

For more information visit: http://www.diehlplasticsurgery.com

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Gummy-Bear breast implant has arrived in the U.S.!

Long used in Europe and around the world, the cohesive gel breast implant has been considered the best link between saline and silicone, with the benefits of both.  Most international surgeons have found that these implants are the best implants in the world.  The FDA has finally made these implants available to plastic surgeons in the U.S.  

Why is it called “Gummy Bear”?

Just like the cute little bears, these implants are soft and squishy.  Yet, they are “cohesive”, so that they maintain the shape they are made in, also like a gummy bear.  This way, the breast implants can be made into different shapes for different body types.    

What are the differences between the implants?

Silicone breast implants are considered the best looking and feeling implants because of the natural feel of the gel.  Saline implants have the benefit of being more physiologic, because saline matches your own body fluids exactly. 

One of the potential concerns of traditional silicone implants is the possibility of the gel getting outside of the implant and causing problems in the surrounding breast.  Even though this happens less than ten percent of the time than over the first ten years, it is still a potential problem for some women.

The new cohesive gel, or “Gummy-Bear” breast implant has the advantage of holding on to its shape even if the outer shell may wear out over time.  The gel is “cohesive”, so that you could even cut a piece of pie out of it and it won’t leak out and it will keep its shape. 

This also means that the implants can be made in to any shape and stay that way.  The “tear drop” shape has always been the shape to look for, but the traditional tear drops were not cohesive enough to keep the shape, and they sometimes folded and caused rippling as they tried to become round inside of the body.

Now, these cohesive the implants ripple less, have the natural feel not always found in saline, and have less chance causing problems.   

With the new “Gummy-Bear” breast implants you can enjoy breast implants with better shape and feel, and feel more relaxed about them as well. 
Could the days of the saline breast implant may be coming to an end?

Make an appointment with Dr. Diehl to discuss these new breast implants and see if they are right for you.
For more information visit: http://www.diehlplasticsurgery.com


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Free worthwhile skincare investiments tips

Besides using sunscreen every day and avoiding too much direct sun exposure, there ARE several things you can do, even without spending a lot of time and money such as laser, peels, creams, etc.

Don't overlook the importance of nutrition (fish, fresh vegetables, fruit to name a few), hydration(recommended daily intake of 8, 8oz. of water), vitamins and SLEEP. Many people are sleep deprived and this takes its toll on your skin as well as your overall well being.

So, eat, drink and sleep for younger looking skin!
For more information visit: http://www.diehlplasticsurgery.com


Saturday, September 15, 2012

In The Media.

"A Masculine Approach to Aesthetic Enhancement."


"Facial youthfulness can be preserved."

"Learn Beauty Secrets from Famous Jill Nicolini from WPIX TV."
"A man with enlarged breasts"


For more information visit: http://www.diehlplasticsurgery.com

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Breast Augmentation - does size matter? Yes, says Dr. Diehl

Size always matters, but it's the right size that matters most. 

Breast augmentation looks and feels best when you can't tell that the implant is even there.

A good rule of thumb is to keep the implant about the same size or a little bigger than your own breast, in other words double you own breast size.  This way there's enough of your own breast in front of the implant to create a soft and natural shape.  As you go larger in implant size, the natural slope of the breast gives way to a rounder shape that is not as natural looking.

At your consultation for breast augmentation you will see and feel actual breast implants and be able to judge what size is best for you.

For more information visit: http://www.diehlplasticsurgery.com

Friday, September 7, 2012

Silicone vs. Saline Breast Implansts; what is the difference? Which breast implant is right for me?

This is a very good question when planning breast augmentation.  There are differences between the silicone and saline breast implants.  Here are the main points.

Silicone implants are more natural in feel and appearance.
Saline implants can be placed with a smaller incision.
Silicone implants should be replaced after ten years.Silicone implants are about $1000 more in cost.

So, when to choose silicone or saline? 

If you are thin with small breasts, then silicone is a better choice.  Since the implant will be covered by less breast tissue, its more natural feel becomes more important.  

Saline implants go in empty, and are filled after they are inside by a thin tube which is then removed.  The incision can be tiny, about an inch and a half.  Silicone incisions are about two inches.  The half inch smaller incision doesn't seem like much, but it does hide better. 

Even though a breast implant may never rupture, it is best to switch them out every ten years or so to avoid this.  If a silicone implant ruptures you probably wouldn't know.  The loose silicone would just sit in there.  Periodic MRI is recommended to detect this.  Saline ruptures deflate right away because the saline gets absorbed.  There is no need to switch the saline implants out until the unlikely event of a  leak.

The cost factor might also be a consideration for some.

Either way, Dr. Diehl lets his patients choose saline or silicone breast implants after he discusses these points.  It becomes a personal choice.  Dr. Diehl and his staff will gelp you make the best decision.

for mormation visit: http://www.diehlplasticsurgery.com

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A healthy tan; Is there a such a thing?

Tall, dark and handsome?  Is this still the ideal look of a man?   But did he get his tan in the hot sun or in a tanning bed?  Either way, it is NOT a healthy thing to do.  While he might look “healthy” when he is young but as he ages his skin will not, and what is more, he is putting himself at risk of skin cancer!

Is it true that it’s ok to tan if you don’t get sunburn?

Well, do you have to burn your toast to find out if it is cooked?  Well, that was maybe too harsh but it is true; you do not have to burn to damage your skin.  You might not see with your naked eyes but the damage is certainly done if you expose yourself too much to the sun.

So let’s enjoy the sun but not worship it!

For more information visit:  http://www.diehlplasticsurgery.com

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sunblock; is it only for summer?

Well, I treat many patients with sun damaged skin. I treat their skin with light chemical peels which removes the top layer of damaged skin exposing the new.  But unfortunately though, sometimes I have to treat them for skin cancer when the damage is too great.  I always tell my patients that it is always” the season” for sunblock and not just summer!  Sun damage is cumulative which means the damage that you have incurred since childhood will count. 

In our office I recommend Solarguard MD™.   Solarguard MD™ is a micro-targeted sunscreen formulated specifically for the protection of healing scars and sensitive skin areas. It provides UVA/UVB protection against the sun’s harmful rays with an SPF of 70. It is immediately absorbed by the skin while leaving it soft and without feeling greasy.

So lather up!

Dr. Gregory Diehl

For more information visit:  http://www.diehlplasticsurgery.com

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Nose Surgery/Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty or Nose Job, as it is commonly referred, is a cosmetic procedure to reshape the nose to meet the patients' needs.  Usually the bridge is reduced and narrowed, and often that is all that is needed.  The lower portion of the nose, the tip area, can also be tightened if it is too round, shortened or lengthened if needed.  It is often elevated or rotated up a little (more often for women than men).  Rhinoplasty or Nose Job can reshape and improve appearance of the nose but it can also be used to alleviate breathing problems. 
Rhinoplasty surgery is the area of plastic surgery that is most technique-dependent. That is to say, the surgical plan and execution varies more from surgeon to surgeon than in any other procedure.  The patient needs to be thorough in their search for the right surgeon for their nose surgery.  At your complimentary consultation, Dr. Gregory Diehl will discuss all aspects of the Rhinoplasty Surgery with you and will also determine whether you are a good candidate for the Rhinoplasty Surgery.   Dr. Gregory Diehl, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon inPort Jefferson Station, Suffolk County, New York, has extensive experience in Rhinoplasty/Nasal Surgery and has been fulfilling many patients' desire to have the shape of nose that they want.

What does a Rhinoplasty/ Nose Surgery procedure involve?

Rhinoplasty procedure generally involves removing the bump and narrowing the bridge of the nose.  The tip of the nose can be reshaped by sculpting the cartilage. A splint is then applied to the bridge of the nose to help maintain its shape.

What is the Recovery like after Rhinoplasty/ Nose Surgery?

Recovery from Nose Surgery is rather mild.  A splint is usually worn over the nose for comfort and protection for a week.  Pain is quite minimal and is well handed with pain medications and cool compresses.  There is some swelling and bruising around the eyes which clears up in 7-10 days.  The new shape is immediately noticeable, but complete healing after Rhinoplasty is gradual with swelling decreasing over 1-2 months.  Patients can expect to return to work or school within a week and strenuous activity within two to three weeks.

How do I choose the right surgeon for Rhinoplasty/ Nose Job?

It is important to choose a surgeon who is experienced in Rhinoplasty/Nose Job Surgery and has been Board Certified in Plastic Surgery.  You should view his before and after pictures as well.  Dr. Gregory Diehl, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, in Port Jefferson Station, Suffolk County, New York, has been performing Rhinoplasty surgeries on Long Island for over 18 years, fulfilling many patients' desires to look and feel more confident!

If you wish to learn more about Rhinoplasty/ Nose Surgery, call for a complimentary cosmetic consultation with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Gregory Diehl at 631-476-7300.

Monday, August 6, 2012


Small injections of BOTOX® around the eyes make the tiny wrinkles disappear, especially when squinting or laughing (thus, "laugh lines").  It is just as useful for the "frown lines" and forehead creases.  BOTOX® is injecting small doses of muscle relaxing medication to different areas of the face to temporarily prevent the function of overactive wrinkle-forming muscle tissues. This is possible by protein in BOTOX® which blocks the transmission of nerve impulses allowing the overactive muscles to relax.  The procedure takes only approximately 10 minutes.  Pain and discomfort are minimal. 
At your complimentary consultation Dr. Gregory Diehl, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Port Jefferson Station, Long Island, New York,  will discuss all aspects of BOTOX® with you.  Dr. Diehl will also determine whether you are a good candidate for BOTOX®.  Dr. Diehl has a very gentle touch when it comes to BOTOX®.  His patients report that they "hardly felt anything at all!"  You will look even better without those "crinkles"!

How long do the results of BOTOX® last?

BOTOX® injections last about three months, sometimes as much as five.  After prolonged use ofBOTOX® the tiny muscles should relax even more, and you might not need as much or as frequently.

Is there a recovery time for BOTOX®?

BOTOX® is fast and effective. There is no recovery time and patients can resume normal activities immediately after the procedure.  Results begin to appear several days after the injections.

Who should perform MY BOTOX® injections?

To reduce the risk of adverse side effects, it is important that your BOTOX® injections are administered by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who has extensive experience in BOTOX® injections.  Dr. Gregory Diehl, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, in Port Jefferson Station, Suffolk County, New Yorkhas treated many patients with BOTOX® and has given them a good reason to SMILE!

If you wish to learn more about BOTOX® injections, call for a complimentary cosmetic consultation with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Gregory Diehl located in Port Jefferson Station, Long Island at 631-476-7300.

For more information visit: http://www.diehlplasticsurgery.com

 View Testimonials

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Eyelid Lift

Eyelid Lift or Blepharoplasty is a procedure to rejuvenate tired, hooded and baggy eyes.  As we age the skin around the eyes, which happens to be the most delicate skin on the face, starts to wrinkle and sag first.  The upper eyelids start to "hood" and drop over the eyes themselves.  The lower eyelids do the same but also the fatty tissues tend to bulge as well, making the eyes look puffy and giving the appearance of lacking sleep. 
At your complimentary consultation, Dr. Gregory Diehl, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Port Jefferson Station, Long Island, New York, will discuss all aspects of the Eyelid Lift Surgery with you.  Dr. Diehl will also determine whether you are a good candidate for the Eyelid Surgery.

How is Eyelid Lift Surgery performed?

Eyelid Lifts tighten the skin both above and below the eyes, and remove some of the fat that is bulging out. The incisions are particularly invisible. In some cases the fat can be removed from behind the lower eyelid, with no external incision at all.  Eyelid Lifts almost never need to be repeated or retightened over time. 

What is the Recovery from Eyelid Lift surgery like?

In the case of just Lower Eyelid Lift Surgery, sometimes there is no bruising at all, so a long weekend is all that it would take.  With Upper Eyelid Lift Surgery there is some bruising and swelling can be expected.  The Eyelid Lift Surgery is not at all a painful procedure.  Most of Dr. Diehl's patients do not require pain medications and usually are back to work in just a week.

Will there be scars after Eyelid Lift/Blepharoplasty?

In cases of just removing fatty tissues from the lower eyelids, there is no scar at all as the incision is placed just inside of the eyelid.  With Eyelid Lift there is minimum scarring, and as with other scars, Dr. Diehl can place them in areas that are very inconspicuous.  Before your Eyelid Lift Surgery Dr. Gregory Diehl will show you exactly where your scars will be following your surgery.

How do I choose the right surgeon for MY Eyelid Lift Surgery?

It is important to choose a surgeon who is experienced in Eye Lid Lift Surgery and has been Board Certified in Plastic Surgery.  You should view his before and after pictures as well.  Dr. Gregory Diehl, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, in Port Jefferson Station, Suffolk County, New York, has been performing Eyelid Lift Surgeries on Long Island for over 18 years, fulfilling many patients' desires to look younger again!
If you wish to learn more about Eyelid Lift surgery, call for a complimentary cosmetic consultation with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Gregory Diehl located in Port Jefferson Station, Long Island at 631-476-7300.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Post Massive Weight Loss Surgery

Post Massive Weight Loss Surgery is for patients who have lost a lot of weight from both diet and exercise, gastric bypass surgery or lap banding surgery.  No matter how one loses the weight, it is a long and difficult journey to achieve the success of losing the weight.   However, even with the success of losing weight the body does not return back to its original shape.  In fact, as a result of losing a lot of weight, the skin and tissue become loose and hang, needing surgical tightening of the areas.

Post Massive Weight Loss Surgeries mainly include Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift, Arm Lift/Brachioplasty and Trunk Lift.  The main goal is in removing hanging excess skin and tightening the areas to the pre-weight gain form.  At your complimentary consultation Dr. Gregory Diehl, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Port Jefferson Station, Long Island, New York, will discuss all aspects of Post Massive Weight Loss Surgery with you.  Dr. Diehl will also determine whether you are a good candidate for post Massive Weight Loss Surgery.

 What is a Tummy Tuck or a Trunk Lift?

Tummy Tuck, also known as an Abdominoplasty, is a surgical process of removing excessive fat and skin from a patient's lower and middle abdomen.  A tummy tuck is also used to tighten the abdominal wall muscles. A Trunk Lift would remove excess skin and fat around the entire waist.  This body contouring procedure is an excellent way to rid oneself of stubborn fat in the mid section that does not respond to diet and exercise.  Most scars are designed to lie low, within your panty or bikini bottom.  All scars will be treated with various methods to keep them as smooth and thin as possible.  The results of this procedure are permanent with proper diet and exercise.  After the Tummy Tuck Surgery the initial discomfort is handled with a “pain pump”, which is a continuous drip of anesthetic through a tiny tube.  Dr. Diehl will see you the day after your surgery to remove this, and to change your bandages for you.  A home-visiting nurse service is available should you choose.  There are small drains which remain for about a week.  You will avoid standing fully upright for the first week, walking slightly bent at the waist.  It is important to have a dependable friend or family member assist you during the first week.  At about a week to 10 days you will feel well and want to start getting back to your usual routine.  However,  Post Massive Weight Loss Surgery patients need to heal a little while longer, and Dr. Diehl encourages his patients to take it easy for an additional week.  Dr. Gregory Diehl advises his patients not to rush back to work; this is your time, that you deserve, and you should plan a leisurely recovery.  You will need two weeks off work, sometimes three, depending on the type of work.  Gym and sports activities may be resumed at about 4 weeks.

What is a Breast Lift?

After having lost a lot of weight the breast loses its volume and they droop.  Breast Lift Surgery rejuvenates the breasts by making them fuller and repositioning them higher where they once were.  Dr. Gregory Diehl also performs Breast Augmentations with Breast Lifts on women to have once again their fuller, firmer and youthful looking breasts.  Also known as Mastopexy, Breast Lift raises and firms the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour. Sometimes the areola becomes enlarged over time, and a Breast Lift will reduce this as well.  Dr. Diehl will surgically raise the nipple and tighten the breast tissue.  Breast implants are often needed to create fuller and youthful looking breasts, especially if a fuller cleavage is desired.  The recovery from Breast Lift Surgery takes less time than a Tummy Tuck or a Trunk Lift.  Discomfort is moderate, and with prescription pain medications patients do tolerate it very well.  Most patients can go back to their routine in less than a week and are back to work in about a week.  Mild exercise can resume in 10 days.  Swelling should subside in a couple of weeks, and Incision lines will continue to flatten and fade for up to 1 year.

What is an Arm Lift or a Brachioplasty?

As a result of losing a lot of weight the skin around arms becomes loose and unsightly.  Arm Lift, also known asBrachioplasty, reduces excess skin and fat between the underarm and the elbow; reshapes your arm to result in smoother skin and contours; and results in a more toned and proportionate appearance.  In order to remove the excess skin an incision from elbow to underarm area is necessary.  Although Dr. Gregory Diehl will place your scar in the area of the arm that is least visible to anyone, patients need to be aware of the scar that is involved in Arm Lift or Brachioplasty.  The recovery from Arm Lift is about 2 weeks. 

How do I find the right surgeon for MY Post Massive Weight Loss Surgery?

It is important to choose a surgeon who is experienced in Post Massive Weight Loss Surgeries and has been Board Certified in Plastic Surgery. You should view his before and after pictures as well. Dr. Gregory Diehl, a Board Certified Plastic surgeon, in Port Jefferson Station, Suffolk County, New York, has been performing Post Massive Weight Loss surgeries on Long Island for over 18 years, fulfilling many patients' desires for getting their pre-weight gain bodies back!

If you wish to learn more about Post Massive Weight Loss Surgery, call for a complimentary cosmetic consultation with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Gregory Diehl in Port Jefferson Station, Long Island at 631-476-7300.

For more information visit: http://www.diehlplasticsurgery.com

 View Before and After Pictures
    Breast Lift
    Tummy Tuck

View Before and After Surgery Instructions
     Breast Lift

     Tummy Tuck 