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Friday, September 7, 2012

Silicone vs. Saline Breast Implansts; what is the difference? Which breast implant is right for me?

This is a very good question when planning breast augmentation.  There are differences between the silicone and saline breast implants.  Here are the main points.

Silicone implants are more natural in feel and appearance.
Saline implants can be placed with a smaller incision.
Silicone implants should be replaced after ten years.Silicone implants are about $1000 more in cost.

So, when to choose silicone or saline? 

If you are thin with small breasts, then silicone is a better choice.  Since the implant will be covered by less breast tissue, its more natural feel becomes more important.  

Saline implants go in empty, and are filled after they are inside by a thin tube which is then removed.  The incision can be tiny, about an inch and a half.  Silicone incisions are about two inches.  The half inch smaller incision doesn't seem like much, but it does hide better. 

Even though a breast implant may never rupture, it is best to switch them out every ten years or so to avoid this.  If a silicone implant ruptures you probably wouldn't know.  The loose silicone would just sit in there.  Periodic MRI is recommended to detect this.  Saline ruptures deflate right away because the saline gets absorbed.  There is no need to switch the saline implants out until the unlikely event of a  leak.

The cost factor might also be a consideration for some.

Either way, Dr. Diehl lets his patients choose saline or silicone breast implants after he discusses these points.  It becomes a personal choice.  Dr. Diehl and his staff will gelp you make the best decision.

for mormation visit: http://www.diehlplasticsurgery.com

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