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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Am I a Candidate for BOTOX®?

If you're in the Long Island area and you're looking for a solution for the crows feet and laugh lines that have found their way onto your face, BOTOX® Cosmetic may be the answer for you. By injecting small amounts of BOTOX under your skin, Dr. Gregory J. Diehl can smooth away fine lines and wrinkles and take years off your appearance.

BOTOX is not a permanent solution. You will need to return periodically to receive additional injections, but some patients find that their muscles start to naturally relax after receiving consecutive BOTOX treatments.

BOTOX works by relaxing the tensed, wrinkle inducing muscles around your eyes and across your forehead. Your BOTOX procedure will take less than 15 minutes and you'll start to see results almost immediately.

If you are experiencing sagging around your eyes or your cheeks and neck, you may want to discuss your facelift or eyelid lift options with Dr. Diehl.

If you are ready to turn back the hands of time with a BOTOX treatment, please contact Dr. Gregory J. Diehl to schedule your consultation with an experienced Long Island plastic surgeon.

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Liposuction is an incredibly effective body contouring procedure performed by Long Island plastic surgeon Dr. Gregory Diehl. With liposuction, Dr. Diehl can remove stubborn deposits of excess fat from areas of the body including:
  • Ankles, calves, and thighs
  • Hips, waist, and buttocks
  • Abdomen, flanks, and back
  • Arms and chest
  • Neck and face
To learn what liposuction can do for you, please call 877-476-8512 today to schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Diehl.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that targets excess deposits of fat. To perform liposuction, Dr. Diehl makes a small incision in the treatment area through which a thin tube (cannula) can be inserted. Using state-of-the-art technology and advanced techniques, Dr. Diehl can break up or liquefy fat deposits, making them easier to remove.

Once fat deposits have been broken up, they are removed with gentle suction. Following fat removal, you will wear a compression garment for a short recovery period, encouraging your skin to firm to your newly toned contours.

Liposuction is a wonderful way to sculpt your body, but it may not be right for everyone. During your initial consultation, Dr. Diehl will assess your frame, discuss all of your options, and help you determine if liposuction can help you reach your goals.

If you live in or around Long Island, New York and would like to learn if liposuction is right for you, please contact Diehl Plastic Surgery to schedule an initial consultation.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

When to Remove and Replace Old Breast Implants

Breast implants generally last for decades, and while some women never experience any difficulties following breast augmentation, there may come a time when it is necessary to remove and replace old breast implants. Board-certified Long Island plastic surgeon Dr. Gregory Diehl has over two decades of experience helping women determine when it is time to replace implants. If you believe your implants need to be replaced, please call 877-476-8512 today to schedule an initial consultation.

Why Replace Breast Implants

You may want to replace your breast implants if you experience issues such as:
  • Implant rupture or deflation
  • Capsular contracture
  • Ripples, wrinkles, or double bubble
  • Symmetrical changes
  • A desire to change size or shape
  • A desire to change the type of implants such as saline to silicone implants or vice versa

No matter what your concern, if you feel that your implants are no longer suiting your needs or if they are causing you any discomfort, Dr. Diehl can examine your breasts and help you determine if replacing them would be your best option.

If you live in or around Long Island, New York and are experiencing issues with your breast implants, please contact Diehl Plastic Surgery to schedule an appointment today.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Breast Implant Size

The size of your implant is one of the breast implant options that will need to be determined prior to your surgery.
Size Matters

The size of your breast implants should serve two purposes: meet your aesthetic desires and ideally compliment your frame. To accomplish this, Dr. Diehl will first listen closely to what you hope to accomplish.

After listening to your desires, Dr. Diehl will carefully examine your entire frame. With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Diehl is skilled at determining what implant size will best meet both meet your needs and compliment your entire body.

It is important to remember that cup size is not a good measurement for breast implants. Cup sizes vary by manufacturer and style, making them inconsistent at best. Dr. Diehl will work personally with you to help you determine the size implant, not bra, which will most suit your needs.

To learn more about your breast implant options on Long Island, New York, please contact Diehl Plastic Surgery to schedule an initial consultation.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Visualization Techniques for Planning Breast Implant Size

Your breast augmentation procedure will be tailored to meet both your desires and your natural anatomy. Board-certified Long Island plastic surgeon Dr. Gregory Diehl has over two decades of experience helping women in our area achieve their aesthetic goals through breast augmentation and will work closely with you to ensure all of your needs are met.

Determining Implant Size

One of the most important things that will need to be determined prior to breast augmentation is what size implants will best enhance your frame.

The best way to find out the size that’s best for you is to use breast sizers.  Dr. Diehl has every size implant in his office to use as sizers.  With a snug sports bra on, adding in different implant sizers is a very accurate way to tell how much volume is best for you.

If you live in or around Long Island, New York and are interested in learning what breast augmentation can do for you, please contact Diehl Plastic Surgery to schedule an initial consultation.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Choosing a Long Island Liposuction Surgeon

When you are looking for a liposuction surgeon on Long Island, there are a lot of things to bear in mind. First and foremost, your choice of surgeon will play a direct role in how your procedure is performed, your safety during and after the procedure, and your final aesthetic results. Due to this, taking your time to choose a qualified and experienced liposuction surgeon should always be in your best interests.

What to Look for in a Liposuction Surgeon

Make sure your liposuction surgeon is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). Your plastic surgeon should also be an active member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).  Choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon who is an active member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeon will ensure that he or she will be on top of latest liposuction advancements and techniques.

During your initial consultation, your plastic surgeon should carefully examine your frame and discuss all of your options. He should pay close attention to your desires and show you before and after pictures as well, giving you a better idea of what you can realistically expect from this procedure.

Why Choose Us

Long Island plastic surgeon Dr. Gregory Diehl is board-certified by the ABPS and an active member of the ASPS. He is also a fellow in the American College of Surgeons and a member of the American Medical Association along with state and local organizations.

Dr. Diehl works with each patient individually, tailoring treatments to meet the unique needs of each frame. He will be happy to openly and honestly discuss liposuction and other options with you during your initial consultation to help you determine which procedures can best help you meet your goals.

If you are looking for a liposuction surgeon in or around Long Island, New York, please contact Diehl Plastic Surgery to schedule an initial consultation.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Tummy Tuck Benefits

If your midsection is impacted by sagging skin, excess deposits of fat, and loose abdominal muscles, a tummy tuck can tone, strengthen, and restore ideal aesthetics to your body.

Board-certified Long Island plastic surgeon Dr. Gregory Diehl can perform a tummy tuck alone or in combination with other body contouring procedures to help you look and feel amazing about your body. Whether or not a tummy tuck can benefit you is best determined during your initial consultation.

Aesthetic and Physical Benefits

A tummy tuck can vastly improve the contours of your body which can, in turn, improve clothing options, enhance your self-esteem, and restore self-confidence. These benefits are inherent with this procedure, but certainly not the extent of what benefits a tummy tuck can offer.

If you are prepared to transform your life for the better, tummy tuck surgery may be good starting point. This procedure can make physical activities that have been either embarrassing or difficult much more accessible. It can also help improve core strength and balance, two essential components of more advanced forms of physical exertion.

Your tummy tuck benefits depend on the effort you are willing to put into obtaining and maintaining physically peak health. Dr. Diehl will be happy to discuss this with you in more detail during your initial tummy tuck consultation.

If you live in or around Long Island, New York and would like to learn how a tummy tuck can benefit you, please contact Diehl Plastic Surgery to schedule an initial consultation.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Scarring and Breast Augmentation

As with any surgical procedure, breast augmentation can result in some scarring. Board-Certified Long Island plastic surgeon Dr. Gregory Diehl takes every care to hide and minimize your scars.

Minimizing Scars

Dr. Diehl offers these options for breast augmentation incisions:
  • Inframammary – underneath the breast in the crease where breast and chest meet
  • Transaxillary – through the armpit
With these incisions, scars can easily be hidden. However, to avoid any scarring on the breasts at all, Transaxillary (arm pit) will be your best option.  The arm pit incision lies exactly on one of the creases in you underarm and is therefore virtually invisible when it heals.

Dr. Diehl does not recommend periareolar or around the nipple incision, because this is the most visible area of the breast and the scars will definitely be visible, especially up close.  Each incision option has both benefits and drawbacks that are specific to your body. During your initial consultation, Dr. Diehl will discuss all of your options and carefully evaluate your lifestyle and clothing choices to help you determine which incision will produce the least obvious scarring.

Your Role

You can help ensure that your incisions heal their best by following all of Dr. Diehl’s pre- and post-operative advice. This will include, keeping your incisions clean, and avoiding strenuous activities during your recovery period. All of this will be discussed in full during your initial consultation.

If you live in or around Long Island, New York and would like to learn more about your breast augmentation options, please contact Diehl Plastic Surgery to schedule an initial consultation.