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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

BELOTERO BALANCE® Dermal Filler is specially designed to integrate into your skin and mold to your distinct facial contours. By adapting to the individuality of your skin, it softens lines and wrinkles around the nose and mouth for smooth and natural results.

BELOTERO BALANCE® Dermal Filler has unique properties that allow it to adapt within the skin for soft and even correction. The versatility of the product makes it strong enough to handle deep treatment areas such as nasolabial folds (smile lines around the mouth), yet soft enough to treat more delicate areas such as vertical lip lines (thin lines that appear above the lip line).

BELOTERO BALANCE® Dermal Filler is made of a material called hyaluronic acid or HA. HA naturally exists as a component of your skin. By binding to water, it fills in wrinkles and folds, allowing immediate and smooth correction.

I have been using Belotero for the past few months and getting great results particularly for smoothing out fines lines around the eyes.  I find that this is a good addition to other facial fillers such as Juvederm, Radiesse and Restylane.

For more information go to: www.diehlplasticsurgery.com