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Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Gummy-Bear breast implant has arrived in the U.S.!

Long used in Europe and around the world, the cohesive gel breast implant has been considered the best link between saline and silicone, with the benefits of both.  Most international surgeons have found that these implants are the best implants in the world.  The FDA has finally made these implants available to plastic surgeons in the U.S.  

Why is it called “Gummy Bear”?

Just like the cute little bears, these implants are soft and squishy.  Yet, they are “cohesive”, so that they maintain the shape they are made in, also like a gummy bear.  This way, the breast implants can be made into different shapes for different body types.    

What are the differences between the implants?

Silicone breast implants are considered the best looking and feeling implants because of the natural feel of the gel.  Saline implants have the benefit of being more physiologic, because saline matches your own body fluids exactly. 

One of the potential concerns of traditional silicone implants is the possibility of the gel getting outside of the implant and causing problems in the surrounding breast.  Even though this happens less than ten percent of the time than over the first ten years, it is still a potential problem for some women.

The new cohesive gel, or “Gummy-Bear” breast implant has the advantage of holding on to its shape even if the outer shell may wear out over time.  The gel is “cohesive”, so that you could even cut a piece of pie out of it and it won’t leak out and it will keep its shape. 

This also means that the implants can be made in to any shape and stay that way.  The “tear drop” shape has always been the shape to look for, but the traditional tear drops were not cohesive enough to keep the shape, and they sometimes folded and caused rippling as they tried to become round inside of the body.

Now, these cohesive the implants ripple less, have the natural feel not always found in saline, and have less chance causing problems.   

With the new “Gummy-Bear” breast implants you can enjoy breast implants with better shape and feel, and feel more relaxed about them as well. 
Could the days of the saline breast implant may be coming to an end?

Make an appointment with Dr. Diehl to discuss these new breast implants and see if they are right for you.
For more information visit: http://www.diehlplasticsurgery.com


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