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Thursday, October 25, 2012

What is the recovery for Breast Augmentation?

Most of my patients want to know about their recovery.

While it is nice to try get back to your normal activities as soon as possible, it is also nice to treat yourself to a few days off to recover more comfortably.  This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and you should not necessarily rush your recovery process.

Breast Augmentation is a safe procedure with a fairly simple recovery.  Dr. Diehl’s patients go home approximately one hour after surgery, and can go back to their simple routine later that night.  There is some discomfort after breast augmentation surgery, and patients go home with pain medicine.  Dr. Diehl’s patients usually rest at home for the weekend and are back to work Monday morning.  You can expect to resume mild exercise in 10 days.    

Here is an approximate timeline of the Breast Augmentation recovery process:

Day of surgery:  Rest is recommended with an hourly walk around the house to keep the circulation moving.

Day after surgery:  Your breasts feel much better, and you can begin to get back to normal routines around the house.   
First week:  There is swelling and soreness in your breasts, so movements of the upper body should be limited.  If your job does not require lifting, then you can be back at work.

Week two:  The swelling is still present but should begin to diminish.  The tightness of the swelling has gone down and your breasts feel much more natural. 
Week three:  The shape of your breasts should look more natural and are “bikini ready”.  Light running may resume.  Lower body and core gym activities may resume.

Week four:  You breast implants have settled in.  Regular gym activities may resume.
For more information visit: http://www.diehlplasticsurgery.com