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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Eyelid Lift

Eyelid Lift or Blepharoplasty is a procedure to rejuvenate tired, hooded and baggy eyes.  As we age the skin around the eyes, which happens to be the most delicate skin on the face, starts to wrinkle and sag first.  The upper eyelids start to "hood" and drop over the eyes themselves.  The lower eyelids do the same but also the fatty tissues tend to bulge as well, making the eyes look puffy and giving the appearance of lacking sleep. 
At your complimentary consultation, Dr. Gregory Diehl, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Port Jefferson Station, Long Island, New York, will discuss all aspects of the Eyelid Lift Surgery with you.  Dr. Diehl will also determine whether you are a good candidate for the Eyelid Surgery.

How is Eyelid Lift Surgery performed?

Eyelid Lifts tighten the skin both above and below the eyes, and remove some of the fat that is bulging out. The incisions are particularly invisible. In some cases the fat can be removed from behind the lower eyelid, with no external incision at all.  Eyelid Lifts almost never need to be repeated or retightened over time. 

What is the Recovery from Eyelid Lift surgery like?

In the case of just Lower Eyelid Lift Surgery, sometimes there is no bruising at all, so a long weekend is all that it would take.  With Upper Eyelid Lift Surgery there is some bruising and swelling can be expected.  The Eyelid Lift Surgery is not at all a painful procedure.  Most of Dr. Diehl's patients do not require pain medications and usually are back to work in just a week.

Will there be scars after Eyelid Lift/Blepharoplasty?

In cases of just removing fatty tissues from the lower eyelids, there is no scar at all as the incision is placed just inside of the eyelid.  With Eyelid Lift there is minimum scarring, and as with other scars, Dr. Diehl can place them in areas that are very inconspicuous.  Before your Eyelid Lift Surgery Dr. Gregory Diehl will show you exactly where your scars will be following your surgery.

How do I choose the right surgeon for MY Eyelid Lift Surgery?

It is important to choose a surgeon who is experienced in Eye Lid Lift Surgery and has been Board Certified in Plastic Surgery.  You should view his before and after pictures as well.  Dr. Gregory Diehl, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, in Port Jefferson Station, Suffolk County, New York, has been performing Eyelid Lift Surgeries on Long Island for over 18 years, fulfilling many patients' desires to look younger again!
If you wish to learn more about Eyelid Lift surgery, call for a complimentary cosmetic consultation with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Gregory Diehl located in Port Jefferson Station, Long Island at 631-476-7300.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Post Massive Weight Loss Surgery

Post Massive Weight Loss Surgery is for patients who have lost a lot of weight from both diet and exercise, gastric bypass surgery or lap banding surgery.  No matter how one loses the weight, it is a long and difficult journey to achieve the success of losing the weight.   However, even with the success of losing weight the body does not return back to its original shape.  In fact, as a result of losing a lot of weight, the skin and tissue become loose and hang, needing surgical tightening of the areas.

Post Massive Weight Loss Surgeries mainly include Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift, Arm Lift/Brachioplasty and Trunk Lift.  The main goal is in removing hanging excess skin and tightening the areas to the pre-weight gain form.  At your complimentary consultation Dr. Gregory Diehl, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Port Jefferson Station, Long Island, New York, will discuss all aspects of Post Massive Weight Loss Surgery with you.  Dr. Diehl will also determine whether you are a good candidate for post Massive Weight Loss Surgery.

 What is a Tummy Tuck or a Trunk Lift?

Tummy Tuck, also known as an Abdominoplasty, is a surgical process of removing excessive fat and skin from a patient's lower and middle abdomen.  A tummy tuck is also used to tighten the abdominal wall muscles. A Trunk Lift would remove excess skin and fat around the entire waist.  This body contouring procedure is an excellent way to rid oneself of stubborn fat in the mid section that does not respond to diet and exercise.  Most scars are designed to lie low, within your panty or bikini bottom.  All scars will be treated with various methods to keep them as smooth and thin as possible.  The results of this procedure are permanent with proper diet and exercise.  After the Tummy Tuck Surgery the initial discomfort is handled with a “pain pump”, which is a continuous drip of anesthetic through a tiny tube.  Dr. Diehl will see you the day after your surgery to remove this, and to change your bandages for you.  A home-visiting nurse service is available should you choose.  There are small drains which remain for about a week.  You will avoid standing fully upright for the first week, walking slightly bent at the waist.  It is important to have a dependable friend or family member assist you during the first week.  At about a week to 10 days you will feel well and want to start getting back to your usual routine.  However,  Post Massive Weight Loss Surgery patients need to heal a little while longer, and Dr. Diehl encourages his patients to take it easy for an additional week.  Dr. Gregory Diehl advises his patients not to rush back to work; this is your time, that you deserve, and you should plan a leisurely recovery.  You will need two weeks off work, sometimes three, depending on the type of work.  Gym and sports activities may be resumed at about 4 weeks.

What is a Breast Lift?

After having lost a lot of weight the breast loses its volume and they droop.  Breast Lift Surgery rejuvenates the breasts by making them fuller and repositioning them higher where they once were.  Dr. Gregory Diehl also performs Breast Augmentations with Breast Lifts on women to have once again their fuller, firmer and youthful looking breasts.  Also known as Mastopexy, Breast Lift raises and firms the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour. Sometimes the areola becomes enlarged over time, and a Breast Lift will reduce this as well.  Dr. Diehl will surgically raise the nipple and tighten the breast tissue.  Breast implants are often needed to create fuller and youthful looking breasts, especially if a fuller cleavage is desired.  The recovery from Breast Lift Surgery takes less time than a Tummy Tuck or a Trunk Lift.  Discomfort is moderate, and with prescription pain medications patients do tolerate it very well.  Most patients can go back to their routine in less than a week and are back to work in about a week.  Mild exercise can resume in 10 days.  Swelling should subside in a couple of weeks, and Incision lines will continue to flatten and fade for up to 1 year.

What is an Arm Lift or a Brachioplasty?

As a result of losing a lot of weight the skin around arms becomes loose and unsightly.  Arm Lift, also known asBrachioplasty, reduces excess skin and fat between the underarm and the elbow; reshapes your arm to result in smoother skin and contours; and results in a more toned and proportionate appearance.  In order to remove the excess skin an incision from elbow to underarm area is necessary.  Although Dr. Gregory Diehl will place your scar in the area of the arm that is least visible to anyone, patients need to be aware of the scar that is involved in Arm Lift or Brachioplasty.  The recovery from Arm Lift is about 2 weeks. 

How do I find the right surgeon for MY Post Massive Weight Loss Surgery?

It is important to choose a surgeon who is experienced in Post Massive Weight Loss Surgeries and has been Board Certified in Plastic Surgery. You should view his before and after pictures as well. Dr. Gregory Diehl, a Board Certified Plastic surgeon, in Port Jefferson Station, Suffolk County, New York, has been performing Post Massive Weight Loss surgeries on Long Island for over 18 years, fulfilling many patients' desires for getting their pre-weight gain bodies back!

If you wish to learn more about Post Massive Weight Loss Surgery, call for a complimentary cosmetic consultation with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Gregory Diehl in Port Jefferson Station, Long Island at 631-476-7300.

For more information visit: http://www.diehlplasticsurgery.com

 View Before and After Pictures
    Breast Lift
    Tummy Tuck

View Before and After Surgery Instructions
     Breast Lift

     Tummy Tuck 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Male Breast Reduction or Gynecomastia Surgery

       Male Breast Reduction/Gynecomastia Surgery is to make normal of enlarged male breasts.  It’s quite natural and rather common for male adolescents to temporarily develop enlarged breasts, also known asGynecomastia.  It is a problem for many young men as they have to get through gym class somehow, and enjoy their summers like everybody else.  It can be a big emotional burden.  But then what happens if it doesn’t go away?  What if it gets worse instead of better?  Many men carry this problem into adulthood.  It can be very difficult to conceal, and interferes with so many social activities that we all take for granted.  Summertime is the worst, when clothing gets thinner and bathing suits are the norm. 
The good news is that Gynecomastia is readily treatable. Removing the excess breast tissue is the fourth most common plastic surgical procedure among men. 18,000 such cases are performed annually in the U.S.  At your complimentary consultation Dr. Gregory Diehl, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Port Jefferson Station, Long Island, New York,  will discuss all aspects of the Male Breast Reduction Surgery with you.  Dr. Diehl will also determine whether you are a good candidate for the Male Breast Reduction Surgery. 

The causes of Male Breast Enlargement/Gynecomastia:

Gynecomastia, is not the same as the excess breast size seen in overweight men, known as Pseudogynecomastia.  In the case of Gynecomastia, the excess growth is limited to only the areola, often referred to as a “puffy nipple”.  More often the surrounding area is enlarged as well, as fairly obvious breast development.  The glandular tissue can be painful also.   Both male and female breast tissue responds to the circulating levels of estrogen and testosterone.  Both high estrogen and low testosterone can cause the breasts to enlarge.  The balance of these hormones is disturbed during puberty, which explains adolescent Gynecomastia. Most cases that persist into adulthood, however, have normal hormone levels, and the fault seems to lie in the inability of the breast tissue to spontaneously regress. 
Gynecomastia, in most cases, are benign and do not indicate any underlying serious problem. However, all of these other factors must first be addressed, and problem diagnoses ruled out, during the process of evaluation.  Usually a good medical history, and a physical examination is adequate, and blood lab-testing is not indicated.  If there is rapid or asymmetric growth, or the growth is particularly large, then a panel of lab work is ordered.

The treatment of Male Breast Enlargement/Gynecomastia:

While the cause of Gynecomastia may be somewhat mysterious, the treatment is not.  Liposuctionis quite effective in the treatment of Gynecomastia or Male Breast Enlargement.  The breast tissue can be removed with an excellent smooth contour, and the patient can be free to remove his shirt again without concern.

The Recovery from Male Breast Reduction/Gynecomastia Surgery:

There is no significant discomfort after Liposuction.  Dr. Diehl's patients wear a compression vest for a few weeks to keep the area flat against the chest.  Office-type work can be resumed the next day, while more active jobs may need some extra time off, perhaps 3-5 days.   The result from Liposuction is immediate.  Before Liposuction Surgery patients with Gynecomastia often have a forward, hunched posture to de-accentuate their chest but after surgery, they tend to stand more proudly and erect.  Furthermore, patients’ attitudes change towards exercise and by becoming more interested in their physiques and hitting the gym more often.

How do I choose the right surgeon?

It is important to choose a surgeon who is experienced in Gynecomastia/Male Breast Reduction surgery and has been Board Certified in Plastic Surgery.  You should view his before and after pictures as well.  Dr. Gregory Diehl, a Board Certified Plastic surgeon, in Port Jefferson Station, Suffolk County, New York, has been performing Male Breast Reduction/Gynecomastia surgeries on Long Island for over 18 years, fulfilling many men's goals of being more self confident!

If you wish to learn more about Male Breast Reduction/Gynecomastia surgery, call for a complimentary cosmetic consultation with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Gregory Diehl located in Port Jefferson Station, Long Island at 631-476-7300.

Male Liposuction Surgery

     Simply put Liposuction is taking out the unwanted fat in certain areas of the body.  The process is rather simple but the result is quite satisfying.  Most body areas can be treated with Liposuction, though the most common areas in women are the abdomen, hips, and thighs.  Men are often treated for Liposuction in the chest, hips and abdomen and, of course, the "Love- Handles".   Liposuction is not limited to these areas; other places may include the upper arms, under the chin and the buttock. 
There is one basic technique used in all patients undergoing liposuction surgery. This technique involves the insertion of a hollow tube, or cannula, through a tiny incision into the layers of fat that lie deep beneath the skin. The cannula is connected to a suction device that literally vacuums the fat out as the surgeon breaks up the cells with a push/pull motion. 
Liposuction is not a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise, but the procedure can eliminate areas of fat that are unresponsive to typical weight-loss methods, and improve body contour.  The best candidates for liposuction are normal-weight people who have isolated pockets of fat that do not respond well to diet or exercise. Liposuction can be done at any age, but those with firm, elastic skin achieve the best results since elasticity lends itself to smoother contouring after the fat removal.
Liposuction is among most frequently performed surgeries by Dr. Gregory Diehl, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, in Port Jefferson Station, Suffolk County, New York.  At your complimentary consultation Dr. Diehl will discuss all aspects of the Liposuction Surgery with you.  Dr. Diehl will also determine whether you are a good candidate for the Liposuction Surgery.

Do the results of Liposuction last?

Liposuction results are permanent, as long as the patient maintains a healthy life-style, including exercise and a sensible diet.  Once the fat cells have been removed from an area there is no longer a preferential fat storage area, and any fat gain will be distributed more evenly over the rest of the body.

Does Liposuction leave scars?

Liposuction Incisions are made generally very small and put in areas that are more inconspicuous. Most cases of liposuction will heal well and it will be difficult to see where they were originally made.

What kind of recovery can I expect?

Recovery from Liposuction surgery is rather brief.  A few days of soreness and some bruising and swelling can be expected for about a week.   Usually patients can return to work in a couple of days and resume strenuous physical activity after one to two weeks.

How do I choose the right surgeon?

It is very important to choose a surgeon who is experienced in Liposuction Surgery and has been Board Certified in Plastic Surgery.  You should view his before and after photos as well.  Dr. Gregory Diehl, a Board Certified Plastic surgeon, in Port Jefferson Station, Suffolk County, has been performing Liposuction on long island for over 19 years, fulfilling many patients' desires to have slimmer bodies.

If you wish to learn more about Liposuction, call for a complimentary cosmetic consultation with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Gregory Diehl located in Port Jefferson Station, Long Island at 631-476-7300.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Facial Fillers - Restylane® Radiesse® Juvederm®

Facial Fillers are also referred to as "Non-Surgical" Face Lift.  Most of these Facial Fillers last up to a year, and are ideal for people who are not yet ready for a Face Lift Surgery.  And the result is immediate, making it quite convenient.  Facial Fillers, such as JUVÉDERM® XC, Radiesse®, Restylane®, are products that are designed to fill certain areas on the face to smooth out folds and creases.  Some Facial Fillers are designed to be injected in the thinning lips which would give the "Youthful" looking appearance.  Facial Fillers by Dr. Gregory Diehl, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Port Jefferson Station, Long Island, can make you look younger by smoothing out the lines around the mouth and around nose, and as well as plumping up the thinning lips that also indicate an aging face. 
At your complimentary consultation Dr. Gregory Diehl, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Port Jefferson Station, Long Island, New York, will discuss all aspects of Facial Fillers with you.  Dr. Diehl will also determine whether you are a good candidate for the Facial Filler Treatment.
JUVÉDERM® XC is the smooth gel filler that Dr. Gregory Diehl uses to instantly smooth away wrinkles around your mouth and nose.  With just one treatment, you’ll get smooth and natural-looking results that last up to a year.  JUVÉDERM® XC is infused with lidocaine to improve comfort during treatment.  With JUVÉDERM® XC you get the smooth results.  Everyone’s skin ages differently and JUVÉDERM® XC may be used to rejuvenate multiple problem areas. From smile lines to vertical lip lines, you can smooth away unwanted wrinkles and restore natural contours.

Radiesse® is a dermal filler that is setting a new standard for the correction of facial lines and wrinkles such as nasolabial folds.  Made of calcium-based microspheres suspended in a water-based gel, Radiesse® is injected into the skin through a simple and minimally invasive procedure giving you immediate, visible improvement of folds and wrinkles, and providing long-lasting and beautiful results.  In many patients, the effects of Radiesse® may last a year or more. Radiesse® is a convenient treatment that stimulates the body to produce new collagen — often with just one or two office visits.

Restylane® is one of popular soft tissue filler today.  Both Radiesse® and Restylane® work well for lip augmentation, and to smooth out small wrinkles around the mouth and lips.  Skin is made up of a combination of collagen proteins, elastic fibers, and a substrate called hyaluronic acid. These unfortunately decline as we age, and the skin loses its fullness.  The injectable fillers such as Restylane® are designed to replace the components that we lose as we age.  

Who should perform MY Juvederm®, Radiesse®, Restylane® Facial Filler Injections?

To reduce the risk of adverse side effects, it is important that your Juvederm®, Radiesse® and Restylane® Facial Filler Injections are administered by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who has extensive experience.  Dr. Gregory Diehl, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, in Port Jefferson Station, Suffolk County, New York, has treated many patients with Juvederm®, Radiesse® and Restylane® Facial Filler Injections and has given them a good reason to SMILE!

If you wish to learn more about Juvederm®, Radiesse® and Restylane® Facial Fillers, call for a complimentary cosmetic consultation with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Gregory Diehl located in Port Jefferson Station, Long Island at 631-476-7300.

For more information visit: http://www.diehlplasticsurgery.com

      View Before and After Pictures